sleep science

Although the body is in a still state during sleep, the brain maintains a certain level of activity. Many people have always misunderstood sleep as a passive and static process, or even a waste of time and laziness. However, long-term research by scientists has proven that many important processes occur during sleep, and sleep has a great impact on our physical and mental health. significant impact.

By monitoring brain waves during sleep, it is divided into the following two different sleep stages:

1. [Non-rapid eye movement sleep]

Non-rapid eye movement sleep allows the brain to completely enter a resting state. Non-rapid eye movement sleep can be divided into stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 (deep sleep) from light to deep. The first stage is a drowsy state, like falling asleep in a car ride. When entering the second stage, the body has difficulty maintaining its original position, and then enters the third stage, also known as deep sleep. During non-rapid eye movement sleep, especially deep sleep, the body secretes a large amount of hormones, which help the body eliminate fatigue and repair cell functions. It also plays an important role in beauty and beauty. It is a natural "cosmetic".

2. [rapid eye movement sleep]

Rapid eye movement sleep is accompanied by rapid eye movement and body muscle relaxation. In addition to resting the body, REM sleep is also known as a supply station for the mind. During REM sleep, some mental activity continues. For example, dreams that people have during sleep may reawaken the data that the sun has touched and present images in the cerebral cortex, which is an important stage in memory reorganization.

[Non-rapid eye movement sleep] and [rapid eye movement sleep] appear alternately

When we fall asleep, our sleep will first enter non-rapid eye movement sleep. About 60 to 90 minutes after falling asleep, the first REM sleep will appear, forming a sleep cycle, each cycle is about 90 minutes, one night Cycle approximately 4 to 6 times. There is a considerable difference in sleep between the first half of the night and the second half of the night. For example, non-rapid eye movement sleep mainly occurs in the first half of sleep and reaches the deepest sleep; after reaching the middle stage, rapid eye movement sleep will gradually lengthen.










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